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О нас Новости Научные направления Образование TSSW медиa Ресурсы Эксперты

Russian as a Foreign Language

About the program

The program is designed to educate Master's students in linguistics with deep and comprehensive knowledge of the methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language capable of independent research and methodological work, and teaching. Practical approach plays an important role and is aimed at developing undergraduates’ skills in teaching international students various aspects of Russian language to, oral and written speech, Linguistic and Cultural Studies and provides future teachers of Russian with knowledge of the ways for developing communicative competenceof international students.

The purpose of the program is to train highly qualified professionals capable of independent research, methodological work, and teaching activities and having profound, comprehensive expertise in methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language and professional skills in teaching the Russian language.


Russian as a Foreign Language includes courses of general scientific and professional cycles. The methodological aspect has an important place in the program (specialization subjects) and is aimed at developing student's skills in teaching various aspects of the Russian language, oral and written speech, and linguistic and cultural studies and provides future teachers of Russian with knowledge of the ways to develop the communicative competence of international students.

In addition to the main subjects the program includes elective courses focused on expanding and deepening the ideas of current issues in teaching linguistic disciplines in the field of teaching Russian as a foreign language.

The unique disciplines offered are:


PhD program Russian as a Foreign language is implemented by the specialized departments of TSU Faculty of Philology. Education in graduate and postgraduate program and short-term and long-term internships has involved more than 250 international students from Spain, Italy, Germany, USA, Belgium, Poland, China, Turkey, South Korea, Tunisia, Taiwan, Mongolia, Egypt, and Turkmenistan.

Areas of activity of graduates: