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The history of the study and development of Siberia

Siberia's vast expanses and natural resources have always sparked interest among researchers and government officials. The conquest of Siberia and its rich natural resources by Russia started back in the sixteenth century. However the sheer expanse of this super-region meant that massive resources were needed, in terms of both time and money, for its study. Even today Siberia remains one of the most under-researched territories within Russia and internationally.

Researchers at Tomsk University have set themselves the ambitious goal of gathering and systemising the study of Siberia, and its history, as well as the popularisation of the scientific data on its past and present. This project involves a wide range of issues, and will look at the full extent of Siberia's history through a number of different prisms: international relations as well as its social, economic, and cultural features. It will significantly enrich our understanding of the region by revealing new sources and using traditional and modern approaches to historical research. It also aims to position the experience of the conquest and study of Siberia in the global information space, both academic, educational and cultural.

'Our project aims to demonstrate the comparability of the Russian experience of conquest, bringing new largely empty territory into the state, for that is what much of Siberia was before the Russians arrived,' project leader Vasily Zinoviev said. 'With the population growth and resource exhaustion we see on the planet, it might offer key insights to humanity's future survival.'

For the first time, a research group at Tomsk State University's History Faculty will include academics and members of the expert community not only from Russia but from a number of other countries, including the United States, France, Poland, Estonia, Israel and Kazakhstan, united by their desire to deepen their knowledge of the history of one of Russia's largest regions.

Running Projects

INTERACT-II: International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic EU JPI-Climate Project: Climate impact on the carbon emission and export from Siberian inland waters (SIWA) Biogeochemical cycles of Arctic bog-lake landscapes of Western Siberia as an Indicator of Climate Change on a Global Scale and A Basis for the sustainable nature management of the Region (Bio-Geo-Clim) Man in a Changing World. Identity and Social Adaptation: Past and Present The history of the study and development of Siberia Electronic encyclopedia "Verbal Culture of Siberia" Microbial communities of cryolithozone wetland ecosystems in Western Siberia Human faces Global Challenges of Modernity Mammoth and dinosaur refuges of Siberia as complex geoarchaeological and paleontological objects Siberia Textual Heritage: Goals and Prospects of Scientific Attribution and Discourse Analysis in relation to Traditional Sources of Historical Information Siberia as the Territory of Wanderers: from Ancient Conquerors to Digital Migrants and Nomads Scientific Basis of the Technology of Synthesis and New Class of Addition Alloys Application for Light Weight Alloy Nanocomposite Production and their Further Use in Aerospace and Transport Industry Ultrabasic-basic Magmatism as the Key to Understanding Revolutionary Events in the Earth History and Formation of Unique Mineral Deposits Integration of labour markets and educational services in the areas of long-term forecasting and strategic planning of the Siberian macro-region Pathological Programming of the Immune System by Neuropsychiatric Factors Among Residents of Siberia: the Prospects of Treatment and Prevention of Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases Islam in Siberia: archaeology, history, modernity The Fundamental Principles of Manufacturing of Steels with a Multi-level Structure for Work in Low Temperature Conditions, on the Basis of Raw Materials Available in the Siberian Region Understanding and Forecasting Trans-Siberian Environmental Changes caused by Climate Change (for the Experimental Areas of Aktru, Kaybasovo, Khanymey) Eco-friendly Resource Production and Raw Materials Processing

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