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Research fields

History, Archaeology and Ethnography

Siberia is important in several historical respects: in the context of relations between the centre and the periphery, for the study of the socio-economic and socio-cultural potential, and geopolitically - as a part of the cross-border territories of Russia.

Siberia is a huge historical testing ground where a vast experience of intercultural and interethnic communication has been accumulated. The study of this experience is an urgent practical task, useful for building relationships between the peoples of the modern world. Within this area it is expected that the role and place of Siberia in eastern Russia's diplomacy, the Siberian experience of reaching out to the Asian countries and the relationships of the authorities with the multiethnic population will be evaluated.

For classical ethnography and social anthropology Siberia is a place of considerable scientific interest as a place where the traditional ways of life are closely intertwined with the modern production methods and consumption patterns. The focus of the research is processes of creation, representation and reproduction of identities of different social groups in urban and rural areas of Siberia are brought into the field of view of researchers.

A prolific source of material for the study of the region is provided in the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of Siberia at Tomsk State University with 300,000 items in its collection. Since 1882 the museum was able to create a collection of material describing the history of Siberia from the Paleolithic age and the appearance of the first human in this area to the present time. Most of the material has not yet been introduced into scientific circulation, and is awaiting a researcher.

Virtual Museum of Archaeology

Leading Scientists

David Nicholas, professor, Faculty of History
Paul Josephson, professor, Faculty of History
Ivan Chalakov, professor, Faculty of Philosophy
Luzyanin Sergey, professor, Faculty of History
Zinoviev Vasily P., dean, Faculty of History
Funk Dmitry A., principal research fellow, Faculty of History
Fominykh Sergey F., head of the Department, Faculty of History
Nam Irina V., head of the laboratory, Faculty of History
Dutchak Elena E., professor, Faculty of History
Kharus Olga A., professor, Faculty of History
Sherstova Ludmila I., professor, Faculty of History
Barsukov Yevgeny V., head of the V.M. Florinskiy Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography
Chernaya Mariya P., professor, Faculty of History
Deriglazova Larisa V., professor, Faculty of History
Miroshnikov Sergey N., associate professor, Faculty of History
Shevelev Dmitry N., head of the laboratory, Faculty of History
Sorokin Alexander N., senior research fellow, Faculty of History
Zayceva Olga V., associate professor, Faculty of History
Chernyak Eduard I., director, Institute of Arts and Culture
Sizova Irina A., associate professor, Institute of Arts and Culture

Institutions and Centres

Faculty of History
Institute of Arts and Culture
Research and Education Centre “Indigenous People of Siberia Historical and Cultural Heritage from Antiquity to Modernity: Edge Technologies”
Research and Education Centre “History of Science and High Education in Siberia”
Laboratory for Social and Anthropological Research
Laboratory for interdisciplinary archaeological research "Artefact"
V.M. Florinskiy Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography
Cabinet of Anthropology, Faculty of History
Laboratory for Library and Communication Research
European Union Centre in Siberia http://euces.tsu.ru/en/


Historical Sciences
Historical Sciences and Archaeology (postgraduate studies)
Siberian Region in Russia and in the World
Siberian Studies: Past and Present
Studies in the European Union
Master's programme: Anthropology and Ethnology.
The new autonomous Master's programme: Siberia: Modern Development, Culture, History / Russian Studies: Siberia
The programme is aimed at foreign students who plan to work after graduation in government bodies, business organizations, expert-analytical centres and cultural organizations, and those interested in developing mutually beneficial relations with Russia and its regions. The programme contains a basic unit, which features courses on the theory and practice of general Russian Area Studies, as well as review courses in basic subject areas. The elective part of the programme consists of seven modules: 1) Economic and Legal Support of Business in Siberia; 2) Historical and Cultural Heritage of Siberia; 3) Socio-political Space of Siberia; 4) Siberian Philology (linguistics and literary studies); 5) Ethnography and Anthropology of Siberia; 6) External and Interregional relations of the regions of Siberia; 7) Geography and Resource Potential of Siberia.
The programme incorporates mechanisms for the implementation of the principle of alignment of individual educational paths for students (through selection of modules and specialization courses). The programme is designed to streamline a model of integration of foreign students into the socio-economic activities taking place in the region (including in TSU).

Groundwork for Scientific Projects

 “Humankind in a changing world: Problems of identity and social integration in history and contemporary society” Mega-grant of the Government of the Russian Federation as per Decree No.220. The amount of funding in 2013-2016: 114 mln. rub.
The project is dedicated to the analysis of various types of identity - urban, regional, ethnic class and gender, as well as various ways of its formation and expression. The project helped significantly deepen the study of identification strategies, adaptation practices and methods of construction of various identity types.
Leader: Dmitry Anatolyevich Funk, Chief Researcher at the Laboratory of Socio-Anthropological Studies of Tomsk State University, Head of the Department of Ethnology of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Doctor of Historical Sciences.
Results: Strategies, adaptation practices and methods for the construction of identities (supranational (European), national/general civil, national/ethnic, regional, religious, professional) in the area of ​​public policy and everyday life in Russia and in the world. have been identified and analyzed.

Study of the Socio-cultural Foundations of Russian Identity as a Factor in Maintaining Social Stability within the Process of Modernization. A state task from the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science in the field of scientific research. The amount of funding in 2012-2014: 6,031 mln. rub.
Determination of the factors of formation and strengthening of Russian identity as a condition for maintaining social stability. The study of regional identity issues in order to determine the adaptive capacity of the Siberian society in the past and the present.
Leader: Vasiliy Pavlovich Zinoviev, Dean of the Faculty of History of Tomsk State University.
Results: Increased knowledge of the socio-cultural foundations of Russian identity based on the example of historical and cultural heritage of Siberia. Determination of transformation vector and the nature of Russian identity, the role of the historical and cultural heritage in the processes of sustainable regional and national development.

Networks and International Partners

The Foundation for Siberian Cultures
Friedrich Ebert Foundation www.fesmos.ru/
ASEEES http://aseees.org/
Europeana www.europeana.eu/portal/
EASA www.easaonline.org/
Paris Institute of Political Science, France
Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Max Plank Institute of Social Antropology, Germany
University of Hamburg, Germany 
Tohoku University, Japan
Hokkaido University, Japan
Universitas Nicolai Copernici in Torun, Poland
 Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland 
Plovdiv University, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore study, Bulgaria 
Sophia University St Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria 
University of Pecs, Hungary
Shenyang Polytechnic University, Ghina
Khovd University, Mongolia
L.N. Gunilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan
East Kazakhstan State Technical University, Kazakhstan
Pavlodar State University, Kazakhstan
Tajik National University, Tajikistan 
State University Hovd, Mongolia
Shenyang Polytechnic University, China
Russian and Regional Partners
Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of Russia
RAS Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology named after N.N. Mikloukho-Macklay
Institute of History of the SB RAS
Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov
Russian Geographical Society,
Russian State University for the Humanities
European University in Saint Petersburg
Higher School of Economics
Ural Federal University
Tomsk Region Administration
National-cultural associations and autonomies of Tomsk
Secretary for the Affairs of Indigenous Peoples under the Plenipotentiary of the RF President in the Siberian Federal District
TomskNIPIneft OJSC
Irkutsk State University
Altai State University
Novosibirsk State University
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University
Kemerovo State University
Omsk State University
Siberian Federal University
Far Eastern Federal University    

Research fields