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Trans-Siberian Scientific Way


Siberian Institute of the Future

The Trans-Siberian Scientific Way

The climate, landscape, biodiversity, history, cultural, and scientific and innovative potential of this unique macro-region are waiting to be explored in the context of global collaboration. We invite you to see Siberia as a new space for your projects, an area of ​​cooperation, and a source of inspiration and new ideas. Welcome to the Trans-Siberian intellectual journey!

International Interdisciplinary Research Seminar "Quality of life in contidion of global transformation of mankind"


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The best resources of Siberia

Centre for Research into Biota, Climate, and Landscapes (BioClimLand).


Tomsk Scientific Centre of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Research Library of Tomsk State University



Tomsk State University

National Research Tomsk State University, founded in 1878 by Alexander II as the Imperial Siberian University, from the first day of its existence has been called to promote the ideals of science, education and culture in the vast territory of the Asian part of the country. 

The most important priority of the university is the pursuit of creating of free and open-minded creative personalities capable of making independent scientific and philosophical decisions. 
Faithful to the tradition of predecessors, the staff of the University is actively developing modern approaches and methods in all spheres of activity, reinforcing its status in the domestic and international scientific and educational environment. 

Since its founding, Tomsk State University (TSU) is actively engaged in exploration of the vast territory from the Urals to the Far East. TSU scientists have accumulated unique materials as a result of years of research and observations of Siberia: a collection of plants, minerals, archaeological and paleontological findings, and dictionaries of local dialects. This is a great heritage that entitles Tomsk State University to be considered the oldest platform for the exploration and study of Siberia.



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